Friday, 11 January 2013

Jessica's Will Do for 2013

Jessica's Will Do for 2013
  •  complete my "will do" list
  •  read more - tv less
  • be kind to myself, both physically and mentally (you know all that negative chatter in your head... stop it!!!) 
  • be better to my body - I need to keep it! Drink water, feel the sunshine, yada yada yada
  • take time for ME everyday - I can't be a good employee, mother, wife, daughter and friend without first taking care of myself. I don't care if it IS only a 20 minute walk around Town at lunch, the occasional trip to Chapters, or a special coffee... take some time out of the day (everyday) to do something I want to do and not have to do!!!
  • don't fall into the meal time rut of the same ol' same ol'. Try something new with the family!
  • date night - introduce it, and keep it!!! this means OUT OF THE HOUSE and NO KID TALK... try to remember what it was like before 3 kids!
  • pack a lunch - it is only 3 days a week
  • sit back and enjoy life... I have it pretty damn good - realize it and enjoy it!
  • find a hobby (try something different... maybe I would like knitting, or something)
  • make time for friends ---- like a wing night perhaps? :)

Monday, 7 January 2013

Nancy's Will Do for 2013

Nancy's Will Do for 2013

Start a new partnership in 2013.

Make healthy eating and regular exercise part of my every day.
Complete the Nike Women’s Marathon.

Cultivate stronger friendships.  Do something unexpected for someone each month.
Continue to strengthen & deepen my relationship.

Read a self-improvement book or attend a workshop then implement a sustainable change each month.
Travel somewhere new.

Find a meaningful & ongoing way to give back to my community.

Mandy's Will Do List for 2013

Mandy's Will Do List for 2013


- date night 1x/month
- date night in (proper sit down dinner after kids are in bed) AT LEAST 1/m
- be grateful for my life and health, and for the health and happiness of my family
- end of the year caught-up on family photo albums


- shop intentionally and not mindlessly
- pay down debt


- keep up with meal planning and "mostly" clean eating
- Hypothermic 1/2 on 2 March
- Two Oceans 1/2 in Cape Town 30 March (if I get in)
- WG2 If there is space on the team
- underwear affair
- yoga challenge for Jan (every day) - thereafter try to keep up with practising before work and 1 class/wk
- dry February

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Kim Lee's Will Do for 2013!

Kim's Will Do for 2013

Find my inner yogi and find peace in my soul.
Complete my learn to run 5k and run several for charity.
Exercise regularly within my abilities so it may improve my health and my disease.
Attempt to get into remission with continual therapies, diet and exercise.

Start a summer garden, with the extras going to the less fortunate.
Cook more meals at home( since that's where I always am)
De-clutter emotionally and physically, drop the toxic relationships in my life and
 focus on the positive ones.
Spend more quality time with my loved ones.
Save more money, spend less on material things that don't define my character
Reduce my carbon footprint and increase my recycling load.
Save more money, spend less on material things that don't define my character
Devote time to a "near and Dear" charity such as the children's unit at the hospital.
Substantially impact a strangers life for the better.


Yvonne Hill's Will Do for 2013

Yvonne Hill's Will Do List for 2013

I will do a mini workout every weekday before work.

I will run in the Moonlight Run (hopefully 10k).
I will train for a half marathon (location undetermined).
I will instruct two more running clinics.
I will volunteer at two running events and one other community event.

I will work on strengthening my arms and upper body muscles.
I will be more considerate of my patient husband.
I will read my scriptures every day.
I will watch for more opportunities to perform random acts of kindness.