Sunday, 12 January 2014

Nancy Leggett's Will Do for 2014!

Mandy Emery's Will Do for 2014

Mandy’s Will-Do for 2014

My number one goal for 2014 is deceptively difficult - it sounds so simple, but I know that it will be a real challenge for me.  What I’m setting out to do is to control my temper and stop shouting - especially at my kids.  I don’t mean to sound like I’m a crazy person that is always yelling and carrying on - but I have those all-to-common moments where my chest gets tight, my blood pressure rises and I get so frustrated that I could scream - and too often I do!  And then I get even more frustrated - at myself.  After YEARS - and I mean years - of nearly daily yoga practice, how can I still lose my cool like that?  So my biggest goal for this year is to take all that I am ON my mat - flexible, strong, consistent, temperate - and take it OFF my mat and into my real life.  I found a great quote the other day - “Advancing in your yoga practice means that you can continue doing basic things - like breathing deeply, observing your entire body, and quieting your inner narrator - in increasingly difficult situations (on and off your mat)”.  That pretty much sums it up. 
That’s the big goal - in fewer words, it is to make my LIFE my practice, to commit to living as fully as I can in the moment, and to prioritize the quality of my actions over the quantity of them (the to-do list isn’t likely to go anywhere...). 

My other goals for the year are as follows:
-  continue to make one-on-one time with Chris a priority (date nights, maybe even a weekend away sans kids, etc)
-  Put my best efforts forward with my new job
-  continue with yoga each morning before work - I’m currently at a steady 30-45minutes, I’d like to increase that to 45-60minutes if possible.  Once weekly this will be a 6am Bikram yoga class (90min).  My goal posture to master for this year is peacock (a forearm balancing inversion) AWAY from wall support! 
-  continue running avg 3d/week - I’ve joined the Marathon Club again and my #1 goal race is the Waterton-Glacier Relay in June.  I’m sure I’ll do a number of smaller events as well. 
-  2013 photo book finished by the end of Feb 2014
-  finally finish Sebastian’s baby book (he’s 26mo!! LOL)
-  One visit to Kelowna with kids
-  One trip to Ontario with kids if possible
-  At least 3x camping overnights this summer
-  At least 2x ski weekends this winter
-  Sober February as in 2013