Tuesday, 19 November 2013

30 Day Yoga Challenge

The month of December is traditionally one of those months where the potential for stress and chaos can creep into our lives. The overwhelming shopping list, overflowing calendar of social functions and never ending to do lists. As humans when the lists become big and the obligations increase we tend to leave our personal needs at the bottom of the list. 

This is where I want to introduce the 30 Day Yoga Challenge! 30 days and only minutes of your life! The maximum amount of time you will be asked to dedicate will be 10-15 minutes.  This will be a morning practice! Yes morning…. There will be no life got in the way so I couldn't do it. For the month of December life will be starting with some peaceful yoga flow. Basically my expectations look like this…. Alarm goes off! You open your eyes, roll out of bed and unless your eyeballs are floating you are going to hit the mat! Just like that. Did I mention the other great part of yoga no special attire required. Comfy PJ’s work great and if you sleep au naturel please no sharing pictures of your practice with the group but otherwise if your comfortable fire away….

We will start the first week of the challenge focusing on Sun Salutation A. This is the basic yoga sequence that everyone who has attended a yoga class will have completed at some point. The option is yours to commit to completing your Sun Sal “x” amount of times. As a group will be completing 3-5 rounds of each Sun salutation. I will be posting video's and printables for each of the Sun Salutations

First 10 days- Sun Salutation A 3-5 for rounds
Days 10-19 Sun Salutation A and B for 3-5 rounds
Days 20-30 Sun Salutation A, B and C for 3-5 rounds.

Completing a 30 day yoga challenge will require discipline, commitment, focus and sacrifice. It won’t guarantee that you will have a yoga habit for life. It will guarantee you to know that you have the ability and a great starting ground on your own yoga practice. So take a leap and come and join me for the Month of December! 

To participate in this challenge email me @ 2eatwellbeactive@gmail.com
You can also find me on facebook @

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